Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yet another poem

So as the title says, here is yet another poem called "Light is Hate"

Light is hate
Light, the power of good
Hate, the power of evil
But they both consume endlessly
Light consumes darkness
Hate consumes you
Your humanity
Your ability to love
And your ability to live
Complete opposites
Yet alike in so many ways
Consuming, overpowering, conquering
Its strength never ends
It is immortal and everlasting
There is no way to stop it
Once it has started
So to you I say
Live life with light and love
Banish the hate
That is one of their only differences
You can dispel the hate
Before it takes form
You cannot contain the light
Nor can you destroy it

TADA! That's all ladies and gents! Thanks again for reading :)


We recently did a poetry unit in english class and I decided I would post a couple of my poems. Here's one of them it's called "Way back when…"

Way back when the wind blew softly, whispering in our ears gently
Soft words of kindness and encouragement
To live, to love, to laugh
To reach for the stars, to never give up, to never lose hope

Way back when the gentle rustle of colliding leaves willed us not to forget them
To allow them to tell us, to teach us, the simplest things in life
Are always the most extravagant, always worth more of our careful attentiveness
Than that of complications and frustrations, which aren’t worth a second glance

Way back when life was not chaotic
Not frenzied or in turmoil
When life was all about friends
And swings and dreams of tomorrow

Way back when nothing was wrecked
When life was absolutely perfect

So that's my poem, it's kind of hard to tell but it's actually a sonnet :) And now that's it! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Change - My Immortal Enemy

Hey, hey my fellow readers! I haven't posted in a very long time, and figured I should probably do something. A lot of people aren't posting since school ended but I figured if any one's still looking at the blogs, it's a good way to stay in touch. So, I thought since we all just went through a big change, (sorta kinda) I would write a rant on it. So here goes it, Change - My Immortal Enemy. P.S. The opinions stated in the following post are mine and only mine, every one has a different opinion and I respect that :{)

So we all go through change, it happens to all of us, it's inevitable, it never ends, or stops, or dies, it's.... it's immortal (hence the title). So a lot of people say change is a good thing, well it sort of is and sort of isn't, it's a matter of opinion. For me change is a horrible thing, I love my life, just the way it is. I would prefer to stay a kid forever, fairly care free and always hanging out with my friends. Sure school can sometimes be a drag (Sorry Mme. Miles!) but for the most part it's not that bad, you could even call it enjoyable sometimes. So, change is very bad for me because, well like I said I love my life, and I know how bad that sounds considering the poor, starving, abused children around the world, but it's true (not trying to brag by the way). Sure I've had issues in my life but, I just hate change. Little tiny changes don't bother me, but big things do. Like changing schools for example. You know, I said I love my life, that that's why I don't like change but, it's not only that it's also for some reason it just doesn't sit right with me, I just get this strange feeling that something's not right. I don't know why, I just get this weird feeling. Oh, and yes there is the possibility that something is wrong with the wiring of my brain and that's why I get that weird feeling, but it still doesn't change the fact that I hate change. Everyone hates something in their life, for me it's change (and asparagus), sure hate is a strong word but it's true, I hate it.

Well I guess there's nothing I can do to change this so, (no pun intended) I'll have to learn how to deal. By the way sorry I just kind of kept repeating my self but when I start to rant I tend to do that (Sorry :)). Okay, so ya. I guess that's it! Good-bye my fellow readers!

P.S. Leave a comment and tell me what you hate!
P.P.S. Please don't say me, that would very much hurt my feelings!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why are we here-philosiphy rant

Okay so I haven't posted in a while but I've decide for my next post I'm going to get deep. I'll be ranting on why we're here on earth, adding in a little bit of if we're even here. So it might not make that much sense because sometimes when I get into something, well, uh deep, I just kind of say (or in this case type) whatever comes to mind when it comes to mind. See what I mean! Okay that wasn't a very good example but whatever. I'm going to start now, not like it makes much of a difference, I mean you're probably interested if you're still reading so you're going to read what I have to say regardless of whatever I type, no matter how long this run on sentence is, so uhhhh...... I think that's it, ya it is okay...

So the question asked, why are we here, the answer, well I don't quite have one of those yet. This question alone used to keep me up for hours during a night. I never quite understood it nor could I ever think of an answer for it. I mean think about, just for a second, I know you don't feel like thinking because, well because you don't for whatever reason, but trust me it's worth it, I think. So think, if you want to I guess, about the question. Why are we here? I mean what are we doing here, well, we eat, we sleep, we go to school or work. But what are we doing for anyone? I mean sure we might hold the door for an old lady but that's not what I mean. I mean we just polute the earth, we make holes in the ozone layer. What is our purpose here? What are we meant to do? What are we meant to learn? Or create? or what? or what? or what? The possibilities are endless, we have no idea. Do we have some higher purpose that we're not evolved enough to know? The only way I got closure on that question and started getting a good night's sleep is when I realized, there is no way we could possibly know the answer to that question. There is no answer as of right now, I don't think we'll ever know the answer until we experience our purpose. That is assuming we actually have a purpose, assuming that well we do exist.

That's right I went there! What if we don't even exist, what if we're like the book Sophie's World and we're just a story. What if we're somebody's never ending day dream. What if we're a video game or a tv show? What if, what if, what if. Like the other question, why are we here? we will probably never have an answer. I've accepted that now, I've realized that there's no logical or rational explination. We will probably never figure out the answer to either question.

So I hope I haven't corrupted you or something and made you start loosing sleep. I hope that when you read this you get closure on the questions after you read them. That's it really, I know this rant was kind of boring but, what can you do right? Oh, gosh, just another question for us the ponder, what can you do? Well I'll leave you thinking, if you want to think, so ya, um... bye!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Totally Awesome Thing

Hey everybody! This is my blog on the totallly awesome, completely amazing, super fantastic "Thing" I got for Christmas. Ya, ya I know it's a little late for Christmas stuff but this thing is just so amazing I had to tell you guys about it and give you a review on it so here it is:
P.S. Try to guess if the review is good or bad
P.P.S. It's hard isn't it?
P.P.P.S. Tee Hee, just too funny aren't I
P.P.P.P.S. Don't answer that
Okay so I got this totally awesome, amaaaaazing thing for Christmas and even though it's from a while ago I wanted to show you. I'm sure you have no idea what this thing is so I'll tell you. The awesome thing I got for Christmas that I wanted to show was a Pillow Pet! I got the bumble bee and it looks like this:
This photo was found at this website:

              You can either fold it with a velcro strap on the bottom (it will look like the above) or you can undo the strap and it should look like the following photo:

This photo was found at this website:

They come in many different animals for example:
Lady Bug, Dog, Hippo, Duck, Frog, Panda, Pig, Penguin, Dolphin, Monkey, Turtle and of course my two favorites, The Bumble Bee, (duhhh) and the... wait for it... keep waiting...don't give's coming...duh duh duh...the UNICORN. That's right there's a unicorn! Anyways, they're super convienent because you can either use them as a stuffie or a pillow. I use is it as a pillow as the fur on it is super soft and cozy. It's handy for road trips because you can prop it up against the window and lean on it.

The only thing I don't like about this pillow is the anntenaes and not because they're too strong and stick into you or anything but simply because they're made out of that a material that bends really easily so now I have creases in them. I can't really tell though.

You can find them in multiple places including Staples and at multiple stalls in mall such as Coquitlum Center.

So anyways I guess that's it and I hope you go out right now and by yourself one! (Just because they're awesome) That's all, thanks for reading and I hope you don't think it's too late to do something totally awesome, completely amazing and super fantastic just because it's from Christmas.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

My sister, Charis' quirks

Okay so as I promised here is my post on my sister's quirks. Voila! a list of some of the strange things she does:

-She makes random noises sometimes (such as grunts, hums...etc.)
-She will randomly break out into dance while listening to music (NOT good dancing)
-She has a very strange sense of style, sometimes she looks normal (i.e. jeans and a t-shirt) sometimes she'll look really pretty, she'll have her hair down and she'll wear a really pretty shirt and cardigan or something like that and sometimes she'll wear my dad's shirt and hoodie and her jeans, then she'll have her hair in a messy bun
-She goes through phases with singers and bands
-There are these little ribbon bracelets she makes for some people that she's extremely close to and says they're her lifeline and that they are not permitted to remove them
-She's always trying to embarass me such as the other day (well really a couple months ago) she walked me home and she suddenly screamed something embarassing but I shouldn't really say for fear of sounding gross and getting introuble (It's NOT a swear word!!)
-One of her weirdest quirks is the fact that when she's extremely hungry she goes through a bunch of these phases but there are too many to count so just to name a few there are: Sleepy, Happy, Angry, She says random words, and Laughy
-Sometimes she'll play violent video games such as Halo 3 and Call Of Duty or she'll play Mario and plants versus zombies
-Occasionally when she washes dishes she'll talk to them and say weird things
-She has a strange incomprehensible language called smin smin

Although as strange and weird as she must sound she really isn't that weird. I know it must be hard to believe but she is mostly a normal girl. She was born here (I'm not aloud to say on when or where). She used to go to my school and now she goes to high school like every other kid her age, she's sporty and extremely artistic. She loves to draw and write like the majority of kids so basically she's normal.

So I hope you're satisfied with my post, and you got a satisfactory laugh out of it. I guess that's it enjoy the remainder of your day and....uhh... that's it :{)
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Looks/Self Consciousness Sweeper

Sorry that my Looks/Self Consciousness didn't have much to do with Self Consciousness, so I'll say something now,

Don't be Self Conscious
THE END!! :{)

I guess that's it and I know this isn't a proper post but I was just wondering, (because I don't really like any of my other original ideas) what you guys thought I should do my next rant or revue on, one idea that I had was ranting on all the weird stuff my sister does (with her complete and total permission of course!!) let me know what you think with comments,
P.S. It was actually my sister's idea to do the rant