Sunday, November 14, 2010

Looks/Self Consciousness Sweeper

Sorry that my Looks/Self Consciousness didn't have much to do with Self Consciousness, so I'll say something now,

Don't be Self Conscious
THE END!! :{)

I guess that's it and I know this isn't a proper post but I was just wondering, (because I don't really like any of my other original ideas) what you guys thought I should do my next rant or revue on, one idea that I had was ranting on all the weird stuff my sister does (with her complete and total permission of course!!) let me know what you think with comments,
P.S. It was actually my sister's idea to do the rant

Friday, November 5, 2010

Looks/Self Consciousness

    Okay so you probably know (or not) Pencils won my poll so they were my first blog. Then looks/self consciousness tied for second with Why we're here my philosiphy rant so, for no apparent reason I decided to do looks/self consciousness next and ta da!! here it is:
P.S. Thanks for staying reading. Ha Ha I'm too funny for my own good!!

      Girls who obsess over their looks really bother me. They're always obsessing over themselves picking and prodding, spending forever picking out their clothes and doing their hair and it really bothers me!! Like you know that feeling when something just bugs you and gets under your skin? Well that's how I feel about people who think that their looks are super important. I mean the way I think about, and this is a little strange but if you think about it Infinity never ends right? Well that makes you a teeny tiny speck in this never ending universe. So just think, just for a second that if you're so teeny tiny it shouldn't matter what you look like. I mean don't get me wrong you should have good personal hygiene and shouldn't be endangering the health of others with you're uncleanliness. Yet still there's no reason for you to hide you're inner self with stuff like make up and clothes you don't even like but you're wearing so that you're not the only one not wearing those clothes.

        I myself wear stuff that I like because I don't care about what other people think of me. Actually that was a lie I do but not alot, I mean mostly I care about being unique. Yet who doesn't care what other people think? No matter how hard you try (and believe me I've tried) you still can't make it so that you don't care what other people think about you. Be honest with yourself's too because if you're saying to yourself I don't care what people think of me you're lying. I mean if you've ever in you're entire life looked at an outfit that was really ugly and said "Wow, that's really ugly" then you care because if you didn't care you wouldn't have thought or said that it was ugly. I guess it's possible but HIGHLY unlikely because if you didn't care you probably would have looked at yourself and walked out the door. Metaphorically speaking of course, because you might have been in the hallway and turned to grab your jacket or something.

         I asked around a little for other people's opinion on the matter and one person said they don't care what other people think but they care what they themselves think of themselves. I guess that makes sense I mean if you did happen to say "Wow, that's really ugly" then it might be because you yourself don't like it and it's not because you think that other people will find it ugly but because you don't like it yourself.

      Well that's all the rant I have left in me at the moment, thanks for reading and please don't hate me if you're one of those girls that obsesses over themselves. Stay reading,
P.S. Ha ha AGAIN!!