Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pencils (Revue) First Post

You may or may not know this but I posted a poll that you could vote on and I don't know why but pencils (revue) won. So I guess I'll be revuing pencils. Here goes nothing:
P.S. This is my first post so it might suck REALLY badly!!

So this is my revue on pencils I'll start with my list of best to worst pencils and what they are better and worse at:

#1. My favorites are Paper:Mate Earth Write pencils. They're recycled and black but they work really well. They're circular instead of having ridges and stuff so they're comfy and smooth. BONUS!! The eraser works pretty well. Here's a picture of them.
The picture was found at this link (it's the second picture down):

#2. My second favorite pencils are mechanical. They're called Paper:Mate biodegradable pencils.
They also make pens like that are just like them. These pencils are really comfy because they have grippers built on to them and no they're not super comfy but comfy enough. They don't squeak like most mechanical pencils and come with a refill tube with extra erasers and lead. The best part is you can give back to your environment and bury them in the garden. The only bad part is the clip breaks easily and the inside and the gripper don't degrade. BONUS!! They're really smooth and don't bug your hand with ridges. This is what they looks like:

Now here's a pencil accesorie that I like:

        Click here to enlarge product image(s)I like Staples brand comfort grips 5 pack because they're really squishy and comfy to write with and if you have the pencils with ridges they're reallly good for those because they prevent them from hurting your hand. They're made of a foam like material and what I like to do with them is I put as many as posible on my pencil at the same time and then as my pencil gets smaller from sharpening I take them off. BONUS!!! They come in five different colours: Yellow, Orange, Blue normally dark (unlike the picture), Turquoise and Purple. Here's a picture of them found here:,162&webid=34431&affixedcode=WW 

So I hope you didn't find this too boring as it was about pencils!!! But that is what my followers soon to be readers wanted. Stay reading (get it stay tuned only stay reading Ha Ha Ha) for my next blog on Looks/Self consciousness.


  1. Cool blog Chi. By the way, I was one of the six people who voted for pencils because I love to write with pencils, and they come in so many kinds. Pencils are very interesting, you did a very a good rant about pencils. I'm so excited for next post about looks/self consciousness. (Enclosed is a grenade that I have already pulled the pin on. Beep beep beep, BOOM!)

  2. Yeah!!! I was also one of the six people who voted for pencils. I thought that they would be a very interesting and cool topic because they're just pencils... But you did a very good job in doing a revue on pencils!!! That was a very creative way to do a revue on pencils!!! :D

  3. Hey hey Chi! I voted a pencil on your poll and i also vote a pencil on your next revIEW. (note the "IEW")! I thought that you did a rant very well considering that its a pencil your talking about.

  4. Wow Chi! Awesome blog! I also like the Paper Mate brand but I don't have any to write with at school because of the school supply list... I cannot wait until your next revue!

  5. Happy Halloween, Chiara-lyse (Chi)!!!

  6. You are funny :) I am quite impressed at your ability to turn a rather mundane subject into a fascinating piece of writing! Well done!

  7. i like pencils. Wow Bay that's an amazing blog. love you cya after hockey

  8. Interesting how you could stretch something(something you didn't even really want to write about I might add) into such a long and detailed post. I found it most unique and actually kind of funny. Though I must ask, do you bury your recyclable/biodegradable pencils after you are finished with them? And if so, how do you get rid of the gripper (which you mentioned was not biodegradable)?

  9. Thanks everyobody, Ummm... Colbs to answer your questions I haven't finished with any of my biodegradable pencils because they are refillable lead wise. Although when I do finish with them I do plan to bury them, I have already burried the clips from the two I broke. The gripper (as I mentioned) can not be burried so as I imagine you do with your other mechanical pencils (if you use them) is throw them away. All you have to do is find something called a trash can (said in a very exaggerated slow voice) and put your hand over the opening or into the flap and let go of the gripper!!! :{) Tee Hee!!!!

  10. Hello Chi!!!!!!!!
    Thank-you sooo very much for your lovely comment.... And I am very ashamed of you to think that I would pick a blade of wheat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not that cruel!!! Just kidding... :}
    But I still didn't pick it... Thanks for your comment about me elaborating!!! And I am very saddened by the type of people of whom you mentioned in your comment... "Sigh" Well, thank-you!!! :D

  11. Ok that was not super boring it was kinda weird that PENCILS won out of everything else I mean pencils there's not much to say but you said everything about them. If I had to discribe them I would say something you write with and thats all. CHECK OUT MY BLOG and comment!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  12. That smiley face at the end was a FAIL...

  13. That was very well done. I was wondering what your least favorite pencil was.

  14. Well my least favorite pencils are the really bad, squeaky, ridgey, (if that's a word!) mechanical pencils.
