Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yet another poem

So as the title says, here is yet another poem called "Light is Hate"

Light is hate
Light, the power of good
Hate, the power of evil
But they both consume endlessly
Light consumes darkness
Hate consumes you
Your humanity
Your ability to love
And your ability to live
Complete opposites
Yet alike in so many ways
Consuming, overpowering, conquering
Its strength never ends
It is immortal and everlasting
There is no way to stop it
Once it has started
So to you I say
Live life with light and love
Banish the hate
That is one of their only differences
You can dispel the hate
Before it takes form
You cannot contain the light
Nor can you destroy it

TADA! That's all ladies and gents! Thanks again for reading :)


We recently did a poetry unit in english class and I decided I would post a couple of my poems. Here's one of them it's called "Way back when…"

Way back when the wind blew softly, whispering in our ears gently
Soft words of kindness and encouragement
To live, to love, to laugh
To reach for the stars, to never give up, to never lose hope

Way back when the gentle rustle of colliding leaves willed us not to forget them
To allow them to tell us, to teach us, the simplest things in life
Are always the most extravagant, always worth more of our careful attentiveness
Than that of complications and frustrations, which aren’t worth a second glance

Way back when life was not chaotic
Not frenzied or in turmoil
When life was all about friends
And swings and dreams of tomorrow

Way back when nothing was wrecked
When life was absolutely perfect

So that's my poem, it's kind of hard to tell but it's actually a sonnet :) And now that's it! Thanks for reading!