Saturday, July 9, 2011

Change - My Immortal Enemy

Hey, hey my fellow readers! I haven't posted in a very long time, and figured I should probably do something. A lot of people aren't posting since school ended but I figured if any one's still looking at the blogs, it's a good way to stay in touch. So, I thought since we all just went through a big change, (sorta kinda) I would write a rant on it. So here goes it, Change - My Immortal Enemy. P.S. The opinions stated in the following post are mine and only mine, every one has a different opinion and I respect that :{)

So we all go through change, it happens to all of us, it's inevitable, it never ends, or stops, or dies, it's.... it's immortal (hence the title). So a lot of people say change is a good thing, well it sort of is and sort of isn't, it's a matter of opinion. For me change is a horrible thing, I love my life, just the way it is. I would prefer to stay a kid forever, fairly care free and always hanging out with my friends. Sure school can sometimes be a drag (Sorry Mme. Miles!) but for the most part it's not that bad, you could even call it enjoyable sometimes. So, change is very bad for me because, well like I said I love my life, and I know how bad that sounds considering the poor, starving, abused children around the world, but it's true (not trying to brag by the way). Sure I've had issues in my life but, I just hate change. Little tiny changes don't bother me, but big things do. Like changing schools for example. You know, I said I love my life, that that's why I don't like change but, it's not only that it's also for some reason it just doesn't sit right with me, I just get this strange feeling that something's not right. I don't know why, I just get this weird feeling. Oh, and yes there is the possibility that something is wrong with the wiring of my brain and that's why I get that weird feeling, but it still doesn't change the fact that I hate change. Everyone hates something in their life, for me it's change (and asparagus), sure hate is a strong word but it's true, I hate it.

Well I guess there's nothing I can do to change this so, (no pun intended) I'll have to learn how to deal. By the way sorry I just kind of kept repeating my self but when I start to rant I tend to do that (Sorry :)). Okay, so ya. I guess that's it! Good-bye my fellow readers!

P.S. Leave a comment and tell me what you hate!
P.P.S. Please don't say me, that would very much hurt my feelings!
