Thursday, April 21, 2011

Why are we here-philosiphy rant

Okay so I haven't posted in a while but I've decide for my next post I'm going to get deep. I'll be ranting on why we're here on earth, adding in a little bit of if we're even here. So it might not make that much sense because sometimes when I get into something, well, uh deep, I just kind of say (or in this case type) whatever comes to mind when it comes to mind. See what I mean! Okay that wasn't a very good example but whatever. I'm going to start now, not like it makes much of a difference, I mean you're probably interested if you're still reading so you're going to read what I have to say regardless of whatever I type, no matter how long this run on sentence is, so uhhhh...... I think that's it, ya it is okay...

So the question asked, why are we here, the answer, well I don't quite have one of those yet. This question alone used to keep me up for hours during a night. I never quite understood it nor could I ever think of an answer for it. I mean think about, just for a second, I know you don't feel like thinking because, well because you don't for whatever reason, but trust me it's worth it, I think. So think, if you want to I guess, about the question. Why are we here? I mean what are we doing here, well, we eat, we sleep, we go to school or work. But what are we doing for anyone? I mean sure we might hold the door for an old lady but that's not what I mean. I mean we just polute the earth, we make holes in the ozone layer. What is our purpose here? What are we meant to do? What are we meant to learn? Or create? or what? or what? or what? The possibilities are endless, we have no idea. Do we have some higher purpose that we're not evolved enough to know? The only way I got closure on that question and started getting a good night's sleep is when I realized, there is no way we could possibly know the answer to that question. There is no answer as of right now, I don't think we'll ever know the answer until we experience our purpose. That is assuming we actually have a purpose, assuming that well we do exist.

That's right I went there! What if we don't even exist, what if we're like the book Sophie's World and we're just a story. What if we're somebody's never ending day dream. What if we're a video game or a tv show? What if, what if, what if. Like the other question, why are we here? we will probably never have an answer. I've accepted that now, I've realized that there's no logical or rational explination. We will probably never figure out the answer to either question.

So I hope I haven't corrupted you or something and made you start loosing sleep. I hope that when you read this you get closure on the questions after you read them. That's it really, I know this rant was kind of boring but, what can you do right? Oh, gosh, just another question for us the ponder, what can you do? Well I'll leave you thinking, if you want to think, so ya, um... bye!
